Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm not talking about you!

I could be talking about me...maybe...

I have heard many reasons for skipping church...some are good sickness or death.

Others I think are not so to see a movie...out to breakfast with the family...too tired...worked all

My own children complain most every Sunday. Hunter hates to wear a tie and Megan doesn't want to wear stiff shoes. The kids are tired or they are fighting. ... My favorite is when they say..."can we stay home?...Church is soooo boring!"

What would I be teaching my children if I allowed them their way?...I would be teaching them that church really isn't that important to me....I would be teaching them that they don't have to fulfill any responsibilities...I would be teaching them that it's okay to break a commandmant to not keep the Sabbath Day Holy....I would be teaching them that it's okay to put selfish desires first.....I would be teaching them a lot of undesirable things.... And yet,... I still wonder if the hassle is worth all the effort?

It is.

Church is where we are reminded to be a little better and try a little harder to be more Christ-like. Can't be more Christ-like if we don't apply the Atonement in our lives weekly. Church is where we learn that families can be together forever. Can't be a forever family if we don't attend church together as a family.

Church is where I learned how important my role of mother is. I cannot allow my children to ever question my testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Together with my husband, we influence our children by example. We try our best to do what is right...we are trying to live the Gospel as a family and attend church together as a family. We have this one life to try and get things right. So.....why waste time sleeping in on Sunday.


Marsha Elaine Allen said...

hey I agree about this. I did miss on Sunday and was it a good enough excuse? I don't know!!! I try REAL hard with my children and I hope I'm doing a good enough job. I hope I'm doing my best job. Maybe most of the time.

It's me, Jenny! said...

You are a great mom arguement from me about that. I was just venting my feelings for the day.

The Haley Family said...

Oh my...I have the same battles at least a few times a month. Church is boring...I don't want to wear a tie...blah...blah...blah!!! I totally agree with you about the examples and that going through the struggles Sunday morning are so worth it! They'll appreciate it some day, right?