Saturday, May 8, 2010

You Pick

Last Sunday, I was given an assignment to speak in church tomorrow. The theme for service tomorrow is of course, Mother's Day. My assigned topic....You Pick. What kind of topic is that?

I have been thinking all week about my topic, You Pick. And so far, I haven't written anything down. Little thoughts have come my way and in my mind full discourses I have imagined. But still...nothing to write home about.

I think I will let a little perspiration happen before my inspiration hits.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Personal Enrichment

I am involved in the youth organization at my church. So, as leaders we have been challenged to complete the Personal Progress program to help and encourage the teen girls too.

Well, you see...there is this little pink spiral bound book with eight individual themes called values. They are Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity and Virtue. Under each theme there is a collection of little projects and goals to set that will help increase my faith in God and Jesus Christ and it is supposed to increase faith in myself too.

I have been working on the theme of Knowledge. I enrolled in a creative writing course. It is killing me. It's hard and I'm too proud to quit the course. Right now I'm doubting my sanity and the value of this class...but hopefully it will all work out in the end. It's about line upon line and precept upon precept, right? Writing can be so hard when you know it's going to be graded!