Wednesday, February 18, 2009

10 Things I love

I love a lot of things. Sometimes putting words to what we love is hard to do. I'm attempting to write just a few points...I fear if I go into much detail, I might become a little weepy. Tears would fall from my eyes...dropping to my laptop and causing electrocution's a sample of my list.

1. Chocolate. I'm an addict. My hips love chocolate hoo.

2. Fuzzy and cute animals. Dumb dog Duke is included.

3. Listening to kids talk. They say the most amazing things sometimes and the funniest! Read my pickle story...

4. Beautiful shoes. I'm sassy when I wear heels.

5. Listening to music. Music takes me away and allows my mind to day dream.

6. Day dreaming. I'm always thinking about what ifs and what I would do. I even day dream about having super hero powers. ( I'm crazy....)

7. Home. I love being home when it's just me. The house is quiet, and I can think. I also love being home when all my family and friends are around me. The house is noisy, and I can't think.

8. Family. I love family, they encourage me to be my best...and still love me when I'm at my worst.

9. Chocolate....yes...I love it! Have you tried the new Chocolate Frosted Mini-Wheats! My new favorite cereal...and its made from the chocolate is healthy....right?

10. Reading and writing. I love to read my friends and family blogs. I feel like I understand them a bit more. I love to write my feelings too....I feel like I understand myself a bit more too.

What is on your list? I hope CHOCOLATE is on it!

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