Friday, February 27, 2009

Assistant Principal

Hunter woke up Wednesday morning confessing that he had a hard time sleeping because he was excited to be Mr. LaFevre's assistant principal.

He spent his morning doing extra things to be prepared. He brushed his teeth twice and let ME comb his hair. I even noticed a whiff of cologne. He wore one of his best shirts and opted not to wear his usual sweatpants to school.

I asked Hunter what he thought an assistant principal does all day...he shrugged his shoulders and said..."give people detentions?"....I giggled....

Then we really had a conversation...we talked about what he noticed about Mr. LaFevre...and this is what he said...."Mr. LaFevre is really nice and he always talks to me"

A mother tends to see the "something special" about their child. Three of my favorite Hunter traits is his comedic flair, gentle nature and the ability to be a leader. Hunter came home from school that day just beaming from his opportunity as assistant principal. Thank you Mr. LaFevre!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Ate All but One

I don't know what it is about cute little girls who sell cookies. I promise myself every year that if asked to buy, I would purchase just one box.....I was approached by two moms....(oh, yeah...and their girl scout daughters), to buy this years batch of cookies....Apparently, I have a problem with keeping promises...How the heck did I end up buying 12 boxes of cookies?!!....It's no wonder I wear stretchy pants all the time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm a Mom.

It's really late....and I can't sleep. AGAIN! What am I doing?...

I have always considered myself a stay at home mom. I only worked in my store during school hours and the kids would come to work with me if it was necessary. But then, I lost the store.

I put on a smile and promised myself that since the store closed I would have no excuse for a messy house. I was going to organize all the nooks and crannies. Make healthy breakfast every morning and cook delicious meals for dinner. I swore never to leave dirty clothing piled in heaps on the floor. I was to remove all the junk stacked in corners and become a neat, orderly wife and mother.....

I'm a failure...I haven't done any of that.

Sometimes the never ending monotony of it all is more than I can bear. When I hear my child ask "Mom, when are you going to get a real job"...I want to scream! Doesn't my child get that my job being a mother is a 24 hour roller coaster of highs and lows? NO! Despite my failure of keeping a perfect house and lack of gourmet meals, I think about the little successes. I count my blessings.

Watching my children grow and mature is a marvel and my two greatest blessings. I love seeing my daughter discover the joy of cooking and writing her own leaves me in awe. I taught her to cook! Hearing my son reading artfully to his sister adding great sound effects...amazes me. He learned that from me!

I'm responsible for two of Heaven's choice spirits. That is the biggest job I know of. I'm glad to be a mom.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dessert Fairy

The dessert fairy surprised me tonight!

I was on the phone talking with my sister when heard Megan ask...."Mom, what do you like to eat all the time besides chocolate?"

Hm mm....besides chocolate? I had to think for a moment....besides chocolate....what do I like to eat besides chocolate?.....

I gave Megan a few random answers not really giving it much thought...Megan began clanking around in the kitchen and she brought me my favorite treat! (other than chocolate)

Fruit in a bowl. Megan had cut and prepared the strawberries, blueberries and bananas all by herself. My seven year old, the cutest little dessert fairy.

Today's Kid Quote

My kids have a way of making me feel old.

Today, Hunter asked..."Mom, when you were a kid did you have to make your own toys out of sticks?"

I said..." should ask your dad that question because he's a lot older than me".

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's Fun to Get Something New

I confess, I'm not a shopaholic. But, I do like to get new things every now and then. It is fun to find a fabulous pair of expensive shoes at a great price....but....only I can enjoy them.

Opening a new package of chocolates purchased just for me (thanks Carolyn!) and eating them all gone before anyone catches pure delight.

Buying new furniture is exciting too! Why is it fun? Because.... then all my friends can visit and sit on it! I don't have to share my chocolate or my shoes.

Hooray to the new couch!
Come on over and have a seat...

The Wishes, What Ifs and other Dreams

I know a lot of people who have a favorite hobby. Some might enjoy cooking or sewing and others might like to scrapbook or fish. But, my favorite hobby requires no special tool or place. I like to dream.

So I was thinking about my hobby today and was trying to figure out why I like to day dream so much...I'm not the type of person to have reformation dreams like Dr. King...nor do I like to think of scary dreams like Nightmare on Elm Street (shiver). I day dream about situations, what ifs and wishes.

I wish I could be a Dr. Doolittle and talk to animals.....maybe I could convince my dumb dog to stay off the furniture.

I wish I could just speak any foreign language at studying required....I always imagine myself waiting somewhere and hear foreigners talk ill about people in line. I boldly chastise them in their own tongue, like a mother to a child...

What if I never went to college but continued on with a Naval career instead....what kind of person would I be today?....would I still be strong in my faith?...would I have married?....would I have had children?....would I have died in the line of duty? many what ifs.

What if I could I be a famous chef? Does it matter that I'm one of the pickiest eaters I know?... Fish bad.....Chicken good....chocolate better....I do love to cook.

Many of my dreams are frivolous and silly. It's fun for me to think about dumb things like talking to animals. But some of my day dreams are not just dreaming. I like to sit...contemplate and think. It's during those quiet moments that I learn and my mind enlightened....helping me remember that I can make some dreams come true.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

10 Things I love

I love a lot of things. Sometimes putting words to what we love is hard to do. I'm attempting to write just a few points...I fear if I go into much detail, I might become a little weepy. Tears would fall from my eyes...dropping to my laptop and causing electrocution's a sample of my list.

1. Chocolate. I'm an addict. My hips love chocolate hoo.

2. Fuzzy and cute animals. Dumb dog Duke is included.

3. Listening to kids talk. They say the most amazing things sometimes and the funniest! Read my pickle story...

4. Beautiful shoes. I'm sassy when I wear heels.

5. Listening to music. Music takes me away and allows my mind to day dream.

6. Day dreaming. I'm always thinking about what ifs and what I would do. I even day dream about having super hero powers. ( I'm crazy....)

7. Home. I love being home when it's just me. The house is quiet, and I can think. I also love being home when all my family and friends are around me. The house is noisy, and I can't think.

8. Family. I love family, they encourage me to be my best...and still love me when I'm at my worst.

9. Chocolate....yes...I love it! Have you tried the new Chocolate Frosted Mini-Wheats! My new favorite cereal...and its made from the chocolate is healthy....right?

10. Reading and writing. I love to read my friends and family blogs. I feel like I understand them a bit more. I love to write my feelings too....I feel like I understand myself a bit more too.

What is on your list? I hope CHOCOLATE is on it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Dress...part one

Yesterday, I was talking with my niece Rudi, and she was describing what her dream wedding dress would be. It was really fun to hear her thoughts and her jests about wedding dresses. It was a great evening...but then I got to thinking about my wedding dress...

My life as a nineteen year old "grown-up" began with a wedding dress. At the time, my thoughts about the dress my mother wore before me were immature and naive. If you asked me then to describe the dress I wouldn't have been able to speak. I felt heartbroken that I couldn't have my dream. I felt cheated that I had to settle for an old dress. Nearly sixteen years later I look back and say to myself..."Shame on you Jenny!"

The wedding dress I wore then looks different to me now. I remember a beautiful new satin sash was added to accentuate the tiny waist of the dress. Dozens of delicate pearl beads and lace swept gently across the gown. A stylish veil was borrowed and a friend altered the dress to bustle neatly for dancing and fitted it perfectly. So much was done to make my wedding dress special.

I feel gratitude........ My heart......humbled. The dress is more than satin and lace, it was my mother's keepsake handed to me. I was married for time and all eternity to my husband in that white dress. I wore the gown at the beginning of my wonderful married life and its beautiful design a fabric reminder of the commitment I made at the alter.

I cherish my new thoughts about my wedding gown. I love the dress! It has since been stored in a beautiful box. One day my daughter will announce her intent to marry. She will begin looking for her dream dress too. Will she have a desire to wear an old dress worn twice before? I secretly hope so. Only time will tell.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today's Kid Quip

Kids sometimes say very poignant things. On our way home from school the sun rays were shining through the clouds...Megan said..."look Mom, I see heaven"....

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Pickles. Not the most exciting topic to discuss, but when you add children to the mix you get more than just a sweet pickle., you get a sweet story.
We were eating dinner at the table and the kids were busy crunching on some dill pickles. I thought I would impress them with my mom knowledge and said; "hey, did you know pickles are made from cucumbers?" Hunter looked at me and said "A cucumber is a cucumber and a pickle is a pickle."
"It's not a cucumber?" I asked simply. "Then how do we get pickles?"
Hunter answered like I should have known better..."From THE pickle tree."
"A pickle tree?" I asked quietly, trying not to smirk...
"Yeah, pickles grow on trees." Hunter's answer was priceless...but this pickle story gets a little better...
I catch my husband's eye and he winks at me and asks, " does a farmer farm pickles?"
Hunter placed his little chin in his hand and thinks a moment..."That's easy, the farmer walks down each pickle row and puts jars around the best pickles. The farm then picks the jars, and pickle trucks take them to the store."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Michelle and Andrew posted this on their blog and I am very curious to see what will happen, so I posted it on my blog. Here are the rules: The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!

2. What I create will be just for you.

3. It'll be done this year (hopefully sooner than later.)

4. You will have no clue what it is going to be.

5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.The catch? Oh the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did will win a marvelous homemade gift by me! Let the games begin!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

10 Things that Bug Me

I'm bugged! Maybe I feel bugged because today is Monday. Maybe I'm bothered because I haven't had my daily dose of chocolate...whatever the case here is a few of my least favorite things.
1. Kids with stinky breath. Why is it that when I say your breath kids have to blow in my face to make sure it stinks....YUCK!

2. Dumb dogs. Our dog Duke is dumb and lazy! All the snow has melted from our back deck to reveal how lazy Duke the dumb dog is. Piles of poop everywhere on the deck. "Kids!!! Get the pooper scooper, NOW!!!"

3. Junk Mail. It bugs me...piles of it every week! I shred, tear and burn most of it...but I still can't keep up with it.

4. Laundry. It never ends!

5. Dishes. I'm always doing dishes. I wish that my hubby would go ahead and place his dirty dish in the empty dishwasher instead of leaving on the counter for me to put away.

6. Time. Time is always ticking seems like I have plenty of it until I run out of it.

7. Video games. Complete waste of time. I admit the Wii Fit is fun.

8. Extended family members who gossip...but think they are just trying to understand anothers situation by verbalizing it to another. It's still gossip. However, I excuse myself from my bug list because I admit I'm not perfect.

9. Politics. Its nice to know that the stimulus package up for vote has included a healthy pay raise to the overly paid congress and senate. What about the millions out of work?

10. Unions. Okay ... I may get some flack on this one. But I think unions have outlived their usufulness and should be done away with.

What is on your bug list? No profanity please.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Did Megan Say?!

Okay, Megan is a girly girl. Loves pink, fluffy animals and bling. So what I overheard Megan yelling to her brother shocked me!

  • Hunter was outside playing with an unloaded bb gun.

  • Megan watching through the window.

  • Black neighbor's cat comes tip-toeing to the front porch.

  • Megan yells..."Hunter! Hunter! When that cat gets to the porch...SHOOT IT!"

Megan...she's my girly girl.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Have you ever felt uncomfortable around someone who was considered different? Not weird like me... but different in features, physical capabilities or mental capacities. Sometimes I do, and I'm reluctant to admit it. However, I felt myself change the moment I held my nephew Sam. But, his story first...

Sam Wesley Allen, was born really early! He weighed only 2lbs 4oz. He was in NICU for a long time too! But he grew and came home to house full of brothers and sisters (3 sisters and 2 brothers). All of Sam's family adore him; aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents and cousins. Sam is a miracle and blessing in one cute package.

About a year ago Sam began having infantile spasms, seizures. He had several exams and tests done to determine where in the brain the seizures were happening. But the test also showed that Sam was born with cebreal palsy. So today, Sam is on very strong medication to surpress the seizures and attends several thearpy sessions weekly to help strengthen his weak left side. He just turned 2 this past January.

Okay, if you are like me and just happened upon my may say...oh poor kid. Yes, that can be a true statement...but here's the wonder of it...Sam is an angel. His presence has changed all of us. Sam is determind to get where he wants to go. His communication with his beautiful eyes and ready giggles brings joy to me and all who see.

So how did I change? Sam may be in a crippled body. But I learned his spirit is strong, pure and perfect. I feel closer to God when I see Sam. I love that little boy!

My, My! Time Flies!

What was that noise?!
Oh, dang it! The bird clock on my wall just twittered 11am. What have I been doing all morning?
I blame all you bloggers out there! You write such good stuff that I have to read it. Shame on you.
I need to do some laundry before the dang bird hoots 12!.

p.s. I enjoyed every word! Keep up the good work.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Pillow

We love our pillows...from the firm and fluffy pillows filling a sham to the small feather flat ones we use to cuddle with. I myself have a small feather pillow to push, fluff and cradle my head at night. I would lose hours of beauty sleep if I didn't have my pillow.

My daughter Megan has a flat useless pillow. There is no volume. It doesn't fill out a pillow case or stand up in a decorative sham. To me, the pillow was nothing. I discovered last night that Megan had left her pillow in a lonely hotel room in Indiana.

The emotional outburst was unlike anything I had seen. The tears!, the sobs! I wasn't aware that my little girl had a crush on her pillow. We tried to reason with her...we could find another pillow for her to love...what about the fluffy bouncy one from the guest room? NO! How about one of your brother's extra pillows? NO! Would you like a brand new one? NO! No suggestion seemed to sooth Megan.

It was so sad to see Megan's eyes swell with tears and the sobs breaking from her...but then I remembered! We had put into storage an older pillow, one flat with age. One without any fluff or feathers. A useless pillow. We placed a new case on the pillow and presented it to Megan. She first scoffed at it! It didn't smell like her pillow or feel like her pillow. But it was almost like her lost one. I dried Megan's tears and gave her a hug. Soon she was sleeping.

So, when the lights were out in my bedroom I was grateful that I didn't lose my favorite pillow. I snuggled into it. I sniffed my pillow and drifted off to sleep!