Friday, August 7, 2009

Multi - Tasking

Life for me always seems to be full of activities. And like every other woman...I multi-task...and have a hundred other thoughts running through my head as to what to do next.

So, this morning in the shower I thought to myself...I shampooed yesterday...just condition my hair today...and proceeded to let the water wet my hair. I began to think of my list of to do's for the day as I reached for my facial cleanser...nothing unusual...just routine. Half way through I realized I had applied my facial cleanser to my hair like it was shampoo! Arrgghh.

Note to self...don't think of too many things at the same time.

I hope my hair appreciates the facial.


Ann said...

I did that just the other day... :)

Mariajo said...

haha! a good one! feels good to not feel so rare in this world!