Sunday, April 19, 2009

So glad a challenge!

Last night I had the privilage of chaperoning a youth dance. I love to people watch. I'm sure some were watching me too. so, if I embarassed any of my youth with my dancing skills.

It was so great hearing the DJ's play Thriller and the Electric Slide popular when I was a youth. But, I must protest to this Cotton Eye Joe causes me to get up and dance!...and not very well. By the end of Cotton-Eye lungs were gasping for air and the hair on the back of my neck was damp...yucky...

When I'm not embarassing myself on the dance floor...I enjoy observing the wonderful young adults...Some gather together in small groups where they find friendships similar to their likes. Some hangout at tables closest to the refreshment stand...(I think I was sitting there!). Others were soloists...dancing to their own beat.

I had a few flashbacks to the days when I was a youth...I remember always wanting to dance to the very first song after the opening prayer...but no one was brave enough to "vogue". And I wasn't brave enough to dance like a soloist.

I'm so glad I got to watch a few special youth that I know personally. Miss S...she has made friends from all over NW Ohio...she won't ever find herself wandering about the halls having no one to hang out with...Thank you to young Mr. N and young Mr. E..he made sure he was dancing with a lovely girl almost every slow song...

I challenge Miss R, Miss J, Miss S, Mr. N, Mr. E, and Mr. continue to make new friends and step outside your comfort zone. Continue to look past your immediate group and make room for more. Those solo people wandering the hall are fanstastic and unique young adults...they need YOU to help them figure that out.

I can't wait to YMCA at the next dance...and see how many new friends you will make. You will be so glad!


brittani c. said...

People shouldn't long as you had a darn right good time, it shouldn't matter what your dancing looks like.
Had I known that the DJ was playing "Thriller" I totally would have shown up! ;)

Ann said...

I lived for the stake dances as a youth...they are great things :)