Monday, February 9, 2009

10 Things that Bug Me

I'm bugged! Maybe I feel bugged because today is Monday. Maybe I'm bothered because I haven't had my daily dose of chocolate...whatever the case here is a few of my least favorite things.
1. Kids with stinky breath. Why is it that when I say your breath kids have to blow in my face to make sure it stinks....YUCK!

2. Dumb dogs. Our dog Duke is dumb and lazy! All the snow has melted from our back deck to reveal how lazy Duke the dumb dog is. Piles of poop everywhere on the deck. "Kids!!! Get the pooper scooper, NOW!!!"

3. Junk Mail. It bugs me...piles of it every week! I shred, tear and burn most of it...but I still can't keep up with it.

4. Laundry. It never ends!

5. Dishes. I'm always doing dishes. I wish that my hubby would go ahead and place his dirty dish in the empty dishwasher instead of leaving on the counter for me to put away.

6. Time. Time is always ticking seems like I have plenty of it until I run out of it.

7. Video games. Complete waste of time. I admit the Wii Fit is fun.

8. Extended family members who gossip...but think they are just trying to understand anothers situation by verbalizing it to another. It's still gossip. However, I excuse myself from my bug list because I admit I'm not perfect.

9. Politics. Its nice to know that the stimulus package up for vote has included a healthy pay raise to the overly paid congress and senate. What about the millions out of work?

10. Unions. Okay ... I may get some flack on this one. But I think unions have outlived their usufulness and should be done away with.

What is on your bug list? No profanity please.


Ann said...

hooray! Welcome to the blogging world! Your blog is great! :) I look forward to reading it more! :)

Aaron & Nancy said...

Your blog looks great...good luck!

Michelle said...

This list could have been written by me. I love #8. I'm certainly not perfect either but this one REALLY bugs me!

brittani c. said...

My bug list is a lot like yours, but with an addition of people that have the "Debbie Downer" syndrome. It gets on my nerves.